Why Teachers Are Superheroes!

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Teachers Are Awesome!

Once an educator, always an educator! I spent 20 years as a public school teacher. If there is one thing that I know with great certainty, teachers are amazing human beings. Now that I am out of the classroom, I feel a burning desire to advocate for the hardworking, selfless, and oftentimes maligned people who daily strive to positively shape our childrens’ futures. Find out below why teachers are superheroes!

Before I begin, I will acknowledge that not all educators are amazing. There are “bad seeds” in any profession, and sadly the media loves to focus on the very small numbers of teachers who just don’t bring honor to the profession for one reason or another. While these “bad seeds” do exist, I could count them on one hand. The fact is, in my time as an educator, the superstar teachers far outweighed the others. We should celebrate teachers as the heroes that they are. Below are some of the many reasons that teachers are awesome!

Teachers Possess Hearts of Gold

Teachers are some of the kindest, most empathetic people on this earth! They want the very best for their students. Most teachers care deeply and worry about their students as if they were their own children. They think about them even when they are not at school. Many teachers develop such caring and mutually respectful relationships with their students that they think of them as “their kids” not just for the school year but for life…

Additionally, teachers oftentimes serve as fierce advocates for their students. They will fight to ensure that their students receive the services, interventions, and overall care that they need in order to thrive and succeed.

Those same “big hearted” teachers are also kind and generous towards their coworkers. Teachers usually make amazing coworkers and friends. I have had many teacher friends over the years, and I can tell you that they are some of the best friends imaginable. That is due to their kindness, generosity, and simple inherent goodness.

Teachers are Givers

Teachers are generous! They give the gift of time. When you become a teacher, it doesn’t take long to realize that one of the biggest considerations becomes that of time. All teachers know this one important fact. There is NEVER enough time! That lack of time extends to all areas of a teacher’s life during the school year.

A teacher’s work load is astoundingly heavy, and is oftentimes completely overwhelming. Despite this fact, you will regularly witness teachers who are giving up their very valuable time to attend extra meetings, student events, and even to stay after school to tutor students or to help coworkers.

That same generosity is seen daily in other ways. Teachers spend shockingly substantial amounts of their own money on their classrooms and their students. They do this without complaint or expectation of reward. This generosity of spirit is inspiring!

Teachers Are Masters of Multitasking

Teachers almost always possess an unbelievable gift of being true multitasking masters! I think it just comes with the territory. Speaking from my own experience, I was expected to juggle meeting the individual academic, emotional, and physical needs of my students. I had to take on the roles of teacher, mother, nurse, counselor, motivational speaker, mentor, just to name a few.

That was just during my actual time with students. When away from students, I was expected to plan engaging lessons, grade papers, communicate with parents, complete piles of student documentation, attend countless meetings, plan field trips…. you get the picture. Teaching involves a broad skill set and requires tremendous amounts of prioritizing, scheduling, problem solving, and decision making. Teachers are true champions of multitasking, and believe me. The current world of education is NOT for the faint of heart!

Teachers are Human

Despite their superhero status, it is so important to remember this important point. Teachers are human. They’re not perfect. They make mistakes just like everyone else.

I recently saw a post on social media where a group of parents were publicly naming and calling out specific teachers and faculty members about a local situation. I don’t know the facts about the incident, nor does it matter. The point is that it is important to remember that most teachers are doing their very best in sometimes terribly difficult situations, so it would be great to extend them some grace.

Final Thoughts

Somebody recently said to me, “I’ll bet you think I’m crazy going into this profession!” My response was a resounding NO! Just because I made the personal decision to get out of teaching earlier than most, doesn’t mean that I don’t believe with every fiber of my being that now more than ever we need great teachers!

I have had several months since my retirement to reflect upon my time in the education profession, and I feel nothing but pride for the work that I did and the relationships that I made. I also know that despite the frustrations and heartache along the way that I made a difference. That’s all that matters. I know that I changed many lives, even it it was in small ways, for the better.

I also feel very strongly that teachers need to build up and support other teachers. I believe that the current state of public education in this country is at a crossroads. It is time for teachers to speak up now more than ever to support and advocate for policies and change that supports teachers and students.

It is my hope that I can in some small way shed some light upon the wonderful people that serve our students daily. They are truly heroes. They are making a difference in the lives of our future leaders. Thank a teacher today!

Click here to read more about my thoughts on teaching! Click here to watch a video about why teachers are so important! I would love to hear from you. Feel free to comment about an amazing teacher that you know!


  1. Eryn Edlund says:

    You have absolutely no idea how much I needed this. I honestly teared up at what perfect timing my coming across this was. You get it. You understand and that alone helps. Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts and these words. God knew I needed them. This year has been extremely challenging and your words have given me so much encouragement. Thank you for advocating for teachers. Miss you friend.

    1. JFritz8612 says:

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Eryn. I am so glad that I could help. I do understand, and I will continue to advocate for teachers. Hang in there. Some years are especially tough. It WILL GET BETTER!! 💕💕

  2. […] I also wrote another blog post in celebration of teachers right after I retired, you can find it by clicking HERE! […]

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