A Passion for Pyrex

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History of Pyrex

Pyrex has been a staple in household kitchens for over 100 years. If you don’t already know, Pyrex consists of a very wide variety of relatively inexpensive glass cook and bakeware that has been popular with regular, everyday household cooks since 1915. It comes in a multitude of different shapes and colors and has become extremely popular and highly sought after by lovers of vintage kitchen items… like us! You can read more about the history of Pyrex here.

Popular Patterns and Styles

When I think of Pyrex, I tend to envision the iconic nesting mixing bowls. Most Pyrex collectors tend to collect items according to specific patterns or colors. A really great resources for dating the different colors, patterns, and types of Pyrex is the website of the Corning Museum of Glass that can be found here.

Pink Pyrex

This brings me to the inspiration for this particular post. One of my mother’s favorite sayings was, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” She used to repeat this constantly to her grandchildren. Well, this rang true very recently for my lovely niece, Hartlea. She has developed an obsession for Pyrex, and especially pink Pyrex…

Pyrex Tragedy!

In March, Hartlea and Sister went on a antiquing trip to Warrenton, Texas for the Texas Antiques Week event. On their way home, they stopped in to shop in an antique mall in Giddings, Texas. Hartlea was thrilled to find some pink Pyrex at a reasonable price, but she talked herself out of purchasing it. A few days later, she decided to make the over an hour’s drive all the way back and purchase the pink Pyrex. That was when tragedy struck… Upon leaving the store with her box of Pyrex, she tripped and dropped the entire box. The misfortune was twofold. She had lost most of her pink Pyrex, and she was totally mortified by the embarrassment that we all feel when suffering from a public fall.

Making Lemonade

After licking her wounds for a few hours, she remembered her grandmother’s famous words and decided to make lemonade! She found directions for creating really cute necklaces out of broken pieces of Pyrex. You heard me correctly…people are making Pyrex necklaces! She taught herself how to do it and has begun to create and sell her necklaces online!

Upcycled Vintage

I just love the idea of creating something new out of something old! This is a hot trend right now, and my sweet niece has embraced it. I admire her ingenuity and resourcefulness! Her grandmother would be so proud… 🙂

The blog post was originally published on our Two Ladybugs Vintage website.



  1. […] you are an estate sale junkie like us, then you probably understand the anticipation of stacks of Pyrex bowls and other kitchen related treasures, old books, toys, jewelry, holiday decorations, and all […]

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